Sonntag, 20. Oktober 2013

Back Diagnosis Check

Back Diagnosis (company SCHNELL, Germany)

Biomechanical functional analysis of the spine
Health depends on a well-balanced stabilized muscle group function. To determine the correct musculature of the body a balance scale of back and abdominal muscles are assessed in association with flexibility of the joints

results:     (original sheet in the attachment)
Lateral flexion right:
Lateral flexion left:                
Rotation right:                       

Rotation left:              

absolute values in Newton*meter (Nm)        

abdominal muscle 
M. errector spinae (back muscle)

Lateral flexion L/R

Rotatores (R/L)

here a short overview regarding the results:

Your benefit: exact analysis of the isometric maximum force of the trunk muscles. Important information for high performance athletes and soccer players and all clients and patients with back problems and back pain . Which muscle group do i have to train specificly? How are my results. Do i reach norm values? Retest (highly standardized) after doing a specific training program to evaluate the level and training effects. 


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