Sonntag, 17. November 2013

Isokinetic measurements

Computer-controlled isokinetic muscle achievement diagnostics

The isokinetic test system Isomed "2000" of the company "Dr. Ferstl" serves, primarily, for the regulation of different strength parametres of the limbs. On this occasion, the strength development can occur under an agreed motion speed and against an opposition which adapts itself by means of electronically steered mechanics during the whole motion of the developed strength (iso = permanent; kinesis = motion).
With this measurement of strength, however, we can measure the isometric and the eccentric strength abilities in the closed chain (functionally work of your muscles, only the olympic centers for high performance athletes in germany use the linearadapter).
The most important parametres which are identified with the muscle achievement diagnosis are among other things:

-       the maximum strength (absolutely and in proportion to the body weight)
-       the bilateral comparison (side comparison)

-      the eccentric (braking) strength potential
-   the muscle speed to reach the maximum force (explosive power)

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