Sonntag, 22. September 2013

Lactate test for athletes

measurement of blood lactate

EKF Diagnostic
measurement of blood lactate
Mahmood Khamis, Player Al Wahda

Tips to the regulation of endurance training
Physiology: Muscle work (sportive activity) needs energy. This originates from the decay of adenosine tri phosphate (ATP) to ADP (ADP) and phosphate (P). The stored amount in the muscle in ATP reaches at maximum strain merely for 1 – 3 seconds (e.g., throw or shock).

Longer strain times are covered first about the immediate replenishment of the ATP memories by means of creatine phosphate which is also fortified in the muscle. However, this energetic connection passes according to the strain strength merely for 6 – 8 sec. with maximum, at submax. strains at most 20 sec. (e.g., 50-m sprint).
One calls this kind of the energy supply “anaerobic alactacide energy supply”.

Every longer continuing sporty strain must be answered by the dismantling of substrates. On this occasion, one distinguishes the (anaerobic) dismantling taking place without oxygen from glucose (glucose) to lactic acid (lactate) and the burn of glucose and fatty acids under oxygen terms (aerobic) to water and carbon dioxide.
Intensive strains become to approx. 40 – 50 sec. mainly anaerobic lactacide, strains more than 2 min increasingly aerobic covered.

With rising strain strength a certain achievement limit (= anaerobic threshold) is crossed and it comes to an enrichment (acidosis) of lactate in the muscle. If this one reaches higher concentrates, it comes about an enzyme inhibition to a more or less strong achievement decrease.
To be able to continue the ability also with high lactate concentrates the sporty achievement you needs one calls in the science of sport “lactate tolerance” (e.g., 400-m run).
The purely aerobic energy metabolism admits only lower strain strengths, but this has the advantage of harmless end products (water, carbon dioxide) and will not limit your aerobic achievement (basic endurance training).
At more intensive perseverance strains to approx. 60 minutes, glucose (carbohydrates), at less intensive and longer constant strains> 60 min, your body will utilizing mainly fatty acids by the fat metabolism (e.g., marathon).

Regulation of the individual anaerobic threshold (IANS)
by means of lactate measurements

Our target is to make an exact diagnosis of the perseverance achievement state and to be able to give thereby optimum instructions for the training. The most exact method of it is the measurement method of blood lactate. For this a “step test” is carried out by means of running on a treadmill or cycling at a bicycle ergometer up to your individual maximum level. At the end of every level (step) heart rate and blood lactate are measured. From the measuring data we figure out the so-called. “lactate - or heartbeat-speed – diagrams”. Based on specific methods of analyzing we can precisely determine the IANS. On account of the evaluation exact recommendations can be given with regard to increase your performance.

Regulation of your endurance work out
- individual recommendation based on the data of your lactate measurement

Duration of training
Training methods

20 – 40 min
45 – 120  min and more
Extensive endurance
40 – 90 min
Intensive endurance



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